Friday, October 30, 2009

Uses for Video/Still Photo Editing Software: Lake Oswego Junior Rowing:

Yes, you CAN combine video and still photographs into one video segment without having it look like a stagnant "slide show". Add music, edit to the music, use varying dissolve lengths and "pushes and pulls" in your edit software to make your piece move.
          Also, edit your still photos into Google's Picasa (free photo editing software) first, to perfect your framing and colors. Remember, videos should be entertaining, not boring so make it move!
         The first part of this video that I did for the Lake Oswego Rowing Club in June was shot with a small Canon HD camara and an on-camera mic that I added myself, plus a wide-angle lens I added. The still photos were shot on my Canon 35mm digital camara.
         A final note: make sure you wear headphones when you shoot video to be certain that you are getting your audio loud and clear. If you do't have audio, yoiu don't have anything! Get close if you need to - a wide angle lens can help you get close and still have a nice wide shot. Have fun! See more videos of mine at

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Monday, October 12, 2009

My Favorite Web 2.0 Tools...!

Web 2.0 is the way of the future for today's modern classroom. Don't know what it is? Web 2.0 encompasses all the "cloud" applications on the web available for us - many of them free!!! These applications are not downloaded to separate computers. Instead, they are accessed by simply going online and signing in. This allows you to access data, software, documents - whatever - from ANY computer. All you need is internet access. No need to download memory-heavy software, either. You can store huge amounts of data online, from simple documents to videos and photos. Worried about a fire destroying your precious photos and videos? Store them online!

The thing is this: Use the tools or get left behind and be seen as a classroom dinosaur. It's our JOB as teachers to know about these things, and to introduce our students to them. Not only that - it's a blast! And makes our lives LESS complicated, not more.

Two of my personal favorites are Google Docs and Picasa. I can store all my documents and photos online, but also SHARE them. I use them ALL the time. Some others? Skype, and GetDropBox to store HUGE amounts of data online. Great for video trading with my production partner in Tennessee.

Blogs in My Classroom: A Perfect Fit

A class blog is a wonderful way to create a sense of community and belonging. It also can allow students to have a voice in what is happening. They also can be a great way to help family stay in touch with what is happening. A great blog can utilize video projects, photos from field trips and happenings; artwork; calendars with upcoming events, and anything else you can dream up. A blog puts a creative face on a class and also shows your students that you are part of the technology world.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Fun with OTEN